Career and life coaches help people solve problems and serve as a wonderful means to help unlock potential and overcome personal & professional challenges. As great as they may be, they are not always financially accessible and in that case, applying self-coaching...
At some point in your working life there may come a time when you ask yourself ‘why am I doing this?’ Working for the sole purpose of earning a living, or for achieving personal gain, often fails to provide fulfilment. That’s where a sense of purpose comes in. The...
When life doesn’t go as planned it is tempting to blame external circumstances and focus on them. While we cannot control everything, circumstances don’t always ‘just happen’. Sometimes we get in our own way. Our thoughts influence our success much more...
Learning to have conversations is one of the very first things we do as a child. We say our first words, expand our vocabulary, and before we know it we are chatting away with anyone who will listen. Conversations are such a formative element of our lives, and our...
‘The whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ – Aristotle High-performing teams are groups who work towards a common goal and are able to achieve exceptional results. They generally exceed expectations and show remarkable resilience when confronted with...