Five reasons executives need a coach

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Leadership is an art. While many leadership traits come naturally it is only through education, training, learning and experience that leadership skills become refined. There is a common misconception that only poor performers or under performers need business coaching. This is certainly not the case. Most of the leading CEOs and business leaders around the world have received and recommend business coaching, from Microsoft’s Bill Gates to Google’s Eric Schmidt.  

Executive coaching is the process of unlocking a person’s potential and maximising their performance. Aligned to the individuals specific goals. It is not to be confused with the role of a mentor. Coaches are learning facilitators – they help individuals discover new ways of learning and behaving, whereas mentors show their mentees exactly how something can be done and share their expertise within a given domain. The goal of the coaching process is to help the individual to unlock their own potential and utilise the leadership qualities and traits they possess, work on their weaknesses and develop their strengths.

 Leadership coaching is not just for top executives and founders. Coaching also helps those who are looking to improve their chances of moving up the corporate ladder and getting better career opportunities. Executive coaching helps employees build a presence and gain influence within their respective organisations.

Leadership plays a crucial role in today’s business landscape. Businesses have to adapt to change and evolve faster than ever before. Businesses often have to reinvent themselves, and solid leadership is essential to achieving successful outcomes.

Here are five ways that Mind Strength executive coaching enhances leadership for our clients:

1. Smashing Fear & Anxiety

Negative self-talk is one of the biggest inhibitors to success. It is so easy to imagine all the reasons why we may fail, so much so that it can even prevent us from trying. We help you to set your goals, visualise your success and create a strategy to help you achieve your goals by replacing unhelpful thoughts and behaviours with highly effective mindset strategies and actions. Our leadership coaching increases self-awareness and, consequently, self-confidence. One of the hallmark traits of a leader is confidence, and it is hard to build confidence on your own. 

2.  Become a Stronger Leader 

The coaching process helps leaders become aware of skills they may not even have been aware they possess. It also helps leaders acknowledge their areas of development and determine ways to overcome or compensate for them. We all have our prejudices, preconceived notions and beliefs about people and situations that can cloud our judgement and act as a detriment to our decision making. It is difficult for us to be objective and identify areas for improvement on our own. Our coaching method helps leaders to identify their strengths and play to them, while working on their areas of development.

 3. Clarity on Goals & Values

Values will help guide every decision you make, so understanding your values is critical to coaching. Being clear on what motivates and drives you towards action will help you to achieve so much more. Sometimes we are too engrossed in our work and day to day lives to be able to stop and discover the underlying drivers of our behaviour. We understand how to help leaders find these motivators and use them to maximise their performance and leadership skills. This will help you lead with greater conviction and an overruling sense of purpose.  

4. Building a High Performing Team 

By learning how to bring out the best in themselves, leaders who receive coaching are better able to bring out the best in their teams. Through our process, leaders learn to identify high-potential performers and develop their capabilities. With our programs, leaders learn how to find solutions for issues more efficiently, helping them to become better strategists and problem solvers.

5. Ongoing Support & Accountability

Executive coaching is an equal partnership based on mutual trust and respect between the individual and coach. We act as your confidant and source of support. Knowing you have your Mind Strength coaching in your corner will give you the confidence to achieve more in both your professional and personal life. We also hold you accountable – something we all need.

We offer a free 15 minute consultation call with Dr Jodie Lowinger for all prospective clients. Contact us to book your free session now.