Finding the positives in a challenging year

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As we say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021, I’ve been reflecting on the year gone by. No doubt, 2020 has been challenging – for some more than others.

Even in the most challenging times, it is important to find the silver linings and celebrate successes – it’s a powerful antidote to rebalancing the negativity bias that we inherently have as humans. This is why I’m sharing five positive things that I am proud of accomplishing over the course of 2020. I am doing this in the hope that you may be inspired to do the same.


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1. I wrote a book!

After years of being asked to write this book, I finally did it! Thanks to Murdoch Books The Mind Strength Method: Four Steps to Curb Anxiety, Conquer Worry and Build Resilience will be in all good bookshops from March and available on audiobook too. I am incredibly grateful for the outpouring of support that I have received from the likes of Anthony Field (the Blue Wiggle), Mia Freedman, Lynne Malcolm and Hugh Van Cuylenberg. You can secure your copy today on Booktopia.


2. Jemma was awarded the Dux of her school!

It has been a disruptive school year for students and parents all over Australia. Year 12 students have had to learn from home and do exams in very different ways to previous years. My daughter, Jemma is one of these students and I am incredibly proud of how she thrived this year. Jemma was awarded the Dux of her school and achieved the result she was hoping for. It hasn’t been easy but you did it Jemma!

3. I have been able to reach more people than ever.

The pandemic has meant that my face to face speaking gigs moved from conference centre stages to Zoom screens from my home office. The positive of this has been that I have been able to reach more people than ever. I have delivered more than 40 keynote talks online this year, which I would never have been able to do if I had to be there in person.



4. Expanding Mind Strength coaching clients into new markets.

It has been exciting to be able to expand Mind Strength coaching clients into new markets including The Netherlands, USA, Europe, South America, North America, New Zealand, Asia and South Africa.

5. Celebrating the incredible team at the Sydney Anxiety Clinic!

Finally, I would like to celebrate the incredible team at the Sydney Anxiety Clinic who have worked so hard this year to meet the needs of people around the country who have experienced heightened anxiety and related challenges due to the uncertain times we are living in. We went from a face to face clinic to online almost overnight and the team stepped up and leaned in to make this happen. I feel very lucky to work with such an incredible team.

Now it’s your turn… I encourage you to take 5 minutes to reflect on the positives that have come out of this year and write them down.